Monday, July 7, 2008

Creations Craved

I thought I should give a bit of insight into what I do and would like to do regarding this whole "blog" thing...

I'll be posting images and descriptions of items; where I found them, how I recreated them, what I paid, what I didn't pay, what ideas I totally stole from my friends (yes, I'll give them credit) and ideas they totally stole from me

Also, I will occasionally post items for sale. I have a lot of them. I don't need all of them and frankly, my shabby-chic Frenchy apartment is also a shabby-chic tiny Frenchy size. I need to make room for more creations. So, if you want what I have, it can be yours for the right price. Stuff will be posted on ebay and I will post the links on the blog.

So, back to what Haley likes best...and what this blog is all about:

Furniture: Repainted, refinished, using furniture in creative ways (i.e. not for its original intent)

Jewelry: I LOVE shopping for antique and vintage costume jewelry. Some of which I will sell via ebay and post the links here.

Books: Not only do they make you look smart, but they also make your apartment look super chic! And, if you open some of them you might actually learn something cool!

Picture Frames: These are SO easy to come across and you can make a ton of things from them!!

Clothing: I'm super tall and not so slender, so I often have to come up with creative, yet classy ways of making typical Target clearance rack findings look fab!

Accessories: See above. I ALWAYS hit the clearance accessories and nine times out of ten come up with ways of making casual attire fit for the office, fancy for ladies night out, or if I'm lucky...classy-sexy for a hot date.

Note: I'll be using the words "Creative, recreate, re-this, re-that...blah blah blah". If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. My "Widgets" Thesaurus can't seem to come up with enough synonyms.

And the list will continue to grow!


trash talk said...

Just found your blog. I think you are too cute. Love the fact you own up to stealing ideas. Wish more people would, I know I do and I like to give credit where credit is do. Keep writing! Yes girl, you rock.