Monday, July 7, 2008

The Economy May Be Tanking, But That's No Reason For Style To Suffer!

My Mother always told me "do with what you have". Great. Fabulous. Whatever.

Many of us are already creative in some way shape or form, doing with what we have, creating new out of the old. Blah Blah Blah.

Well, I'm in my late twenties. I'm in the same financial situation as most single, twenty-somethings. And, I often find myself trying to reinvent my shabby-chic apartment in some little way.

Through the creation of this blog I am hoping to create a forum for the exchange of fabulously inexpensive ways to recreate.

I think I use the word "create" way too much. Oh well.


dianegr08 said...

Oh Haley....I clicked on one of the google ads and sheesh! you have to be careful with "shabby chic." Too much (as seen on your blog page with chandeliers, etc.) takes things too far over the top. You need to mix in a little "french country" too create the desired effect. You know the little shelves from the cottage that I have over my kitchen sink? Those are both shabby chic and french country (especially with your "gervais" items from Paris).
Nice touch....Love, Mom

dianegr08 said...

and, by the way.....
I hope you don't get carried away and try to sell my oak dinette table OR the green, plastic and wrought iron chair!


Mom, please stop leaving comments that flag you as my "Mom". That makes me look uncool.